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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Spinner Saturday and a BONUS ARTICLE

Save Us from “Reasonable” Men
“Reasonable” people are the biggest block to progress in the civilized (and not so civilized) world! Without unreasonable people, no change would occur. It's not reasonable, for example, to compete in endurance sporting events. Those of us who either do so, or aspire to do so, usually do so over the objections of our more “reasonable” friends and family members. With any huge achievement, there was a decision made to initiate the actions leading to said achievement that on the surface, appeared unreasonable. Essentially, what is said when you initiate the intended action, is “Are you insane?”

Unreasonable people are the ones who accomplish major goals. This isn't through a continuously unreasonable course of action though. It is through setting a goal that on the surface, is unreasonable, and then systematically making that goal reasonable, one step at a time. You can always find a reason why something can not be accomplished, whereas it's harder to find a reason why it can be done! One of my personal heroes was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Not because of his politics, but because of how he never, repeat NEVER let his disability stand in the way of his achieving his agenda. Another of my heroes is Stephen Hawking. He is likely the most brilliant mind on the planet, but he is chained inside a body that doesn't work, because of ALS (Lou Gehrig Disease). He continues on, in spite of the odds, and how reasonable is that? Like I said, save us from “reasonable men”! Shoot for the Moon and be unreasonable! Do so through the steps necessary to make your unreasonable goal possible, through a series of small victories. Each one is building toward the next in a progression leading toward your ultimate goal. If you decide that you cannot do something, then it is a self fulfilling prophecy and you won't be able to do it. Whereas; if you decide you can do it, you may still fail in implementation, but you may succeed as well!

Spinner Saturday
I don't have my final miles yet, this week, but so far it's 65 miles. Light week, but it's been hot, mugly and stormy this week. I'll get more miles in this afternoon, but no definite plans, I'm just going to ride!

Psycho Cyclist has a really well written article about the environment oner at his blog. Drop by and read it!

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