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Monday, July 31, 2006

The Spinner Report for July

The Spinner Report for July 31
Well, here it is, the end of July. Amazing how fast the year goes, isn't it? We enter the 8th month of the year tomorrow. So you all know, Saturday was the end of July's mileage, all miles yesterday on will be treated as August miles. Well, here are the statistics, in descending order.
Rider Miles
  1. Uncle Dan 193.5
  2. Arctic Jill 94.9
  3. Texas Mike 92
  4. Gorilla 87
  5. Big Mike 68.6
  6. Juvenile Tim 68
  7. Yelme 54
  8. ShawnK 38.25
  9. Tom Stormcrowe 25
  10. Mrs Stormcrowe 8
  11. Group Total for Week 752.75
  12. Month total 2963.58
Great Job, ALL!
It should be noted, by the way, that Tim passed 1000 miles this week on his Single Speed, so good job, Tim! Congratulations to Uncle Dan for being the top miler this week! Now for the Walker/Runners.
Walker/Runner Miles
  1. Cee 13.4
  2. Mrs Stormcrowe 12
  3. ShawnK 7.2
  4. Week Total 32.6
  5. Month Total 78.6
Great Job, Footies!Exercise Bike

By the way, for now to see the charts, go to my MSN Site, Blogger is giving me trouble uploading the images.I'll try again in them later.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Pre and post ride nutrition for the post Bariatric Cyclist

The following is based on my experience and is not to be construed as medical advice.
One of the issues that faces a cyclist after bariatric surgery is the dreaded "Dumping Syndrome". Essentially, this is a result of a basic inability to absorb certain nutrients. What happens then is a process called osmosis where fluid is drawn into the intestinal tract by a greater concentrate of particulate( Food), and that horrible "D" word occurs. That's right, Diarrhea! Also, chills, nausea, rapid heart rate and even heart palpitations can occur!
Early on, when you have had the Roux -N Y procedure, the first three feet of small intestine as well as a signifigant portion of the stomach are bypassed. You lose most of the receptor sites for sugars and carbohydrates as a result, which forces an intentional malabsorption condition for the purposes of weight loss. Among the beneficial side effects of the procedure are an immediate abatement of Type II Diabetes symptoms and often an immediate reduction in blood pressure as well.
For the long distance cyclist, this can present unique problems. Malabsorption can trigger issues like low blood sugar, muscle mass cannibalization, and issues with anemia. As time goes on, the body can replace a number of the sites for sugars and carbohydrates, but initially, you are solely reliant on the lipid/protein metabolism. This means you have to get your energy from fat and protein. Consequently, you have to supplement your protein intake to prevent cannibalization of your muscles. When you are supplementing your protein intake, you also need to keep up the fluid intake as well. When you are consuming a high protein, very low carb diet, your kidneys get a workout removing the end products from the protein metabolism out of the blood stream to the bladder and out of the body. This process is why the urine gets so dark, by the way, is those end products in a high concentration. The high level of fluid intake protects the kidneys by diluting this as much as possible. You need a minimum of 64 fluid oz water a day.
About a year post surgical or a bit less, you start to be able to absorb some of the sugars again. I've had my best results with Maltodextrin or brown rice syrup, by the way as far as avoiding Gastrointestinal distress. A Glycemically moderate food like Clif Bars, for example, can be consumed with no real problems about 8 months out. This is my experience again, and not specific dietary or medical advice, people! Twin Labs makes a drink called Ultra Fuel, that I've had pretty good results with. Other malabsorption issues are B Complex vitamins.
You'll need to supplement the following as well as a good chewable multivitamin:

  • * Vitamin B12
  • * Vitamin B6
  • * Vitamin B1
  • * Calcium
  • * Vitamin C

Post ride, you can drink some chocolate milk, believe it or not! Chocolate milk, as long as you don't have lactose intolerance issues makes a wonderful recovery drink and contains protein as well as calcium and Galactose, a complex sugar that is easily metabolizable. Look here for my article on the subject.

In other news:

Bariatric Nursing News

Business Wire Release

NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 27, 2006--Professional nursing care is critical to preventing patient complications after surgery, according to Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care, a new peer-reviewed journal published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. (www.liebertpub.com). A free sample issue of the Journal is available online at www.liebertpub.com/bar

It is the nurse, at the patient's bedside, who is aware of small health status changes that are indicative of future problems, according to editor-in-chief Lisa Rowen, RN, DNSc, Director of Nursing, Department of Surgery, The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Assistant Professor, The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. "Bariatric surgery patients are best served by nurses who are trained to immediately recognize the signs and symptoms of complications from this type of surgery," says Dr. Rowen. "Since the bariatric patient frequently has a compromised circulatory, respiratory, and nutritional status prior to surgery, the nurse's ability to analyze post-operatively becomes that much more important. Bariatric surgery nurses require a specialized knowledge base to perform physical and psychosocial assessments. They also are patient advocates, utilizing excellent communication skills to function as the patient care manager on the health care team."

Bariatric surgery is a burgeoning field of specialty for health care professionals. Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care, the official Journal of the National Association of Bariatric Nurses (www.bariatricnurses.org), features comprehensive coverage on optimizing health outcomes; occupational hazards for bariatric healthcare professionals; transfer, mobility, and patient safety issues; pre-op, peri-op, and post-op standards of practice; pre-surgical work-up and consultation; dietary modification and counseling; malabsorption and malnutrition; lifestyle modification and psychological support; patient compliance; anticipating and managing surgical complications; wound care and infections; care of the patient with special needs; ethical issues and cultural sensitivities; and much more.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Obesity Management, Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, and Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering News (GEN), was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 60 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available at www.liebertpub.com

More Cycling News

Landis Interview

Here's an interview in MP3 format from Floyd Landis in the above link!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Floyd Landis and Doping?

Before we get all excited, we should wait untill the "B" Sample is tested as to whether Floyd is guilty or not. Given the recent rash of scandal, you have to remember that it's big news right now and the media is going to jump all over this like flies on cowdung!

Phonak has already suspended Landis, pending the outcome of the "B" sample testing. Click here for a link to the news story.
I sincerely hope the B test is clean.
Biking in the Bible Belt

I found this through Bike Forum. It's a grerat take on bike access on the roads. It might let you see how we see the drivers!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Short Ride this Morning for Mrs Stormcrowe

Mrs Stormcrowe has been directed to participate in more aerobic activity, so we went riding this morning. She did a nice 3.827 mile ride, and did quite well, actually. We rode a section of the Multiuse path called the NW Greenbelt over in West Lafayette as well as a short turn through one of the neighborhoods. Attached is a GMap Pedometer image of the ride!Exercise Bike

Monday, July 24, 2006

Spinner Report, July 24

Spinner Report July 24
Soggy Bottom 100 Results
First order of business for the Spinner Report is to fill you in on Jill. Jill finished the Soggy Bottom 100 with a time of 13hrs 17 minutes and was only the second woman to EVER finish this race. Outstanding job, Jill! Drop by her blog and congratulate her if you haven't already!
Spinner Miles
  • Rider Miles
  • Arctic Jill 188.6
  • Texas Mike 135
  • Tom Stormcrowe 90
  • Juvenile Tim 73
  • JP Smee 72.49
  • Big Mike 51.7
  • Dan on Bike 51.6
  • Gorilla 33
  • Psycho 25
  • ShawnK 18.96
  • Uncle Dan 14
  • Group total for week 753.35
Great job people! I'd also like to welcome a new member to Spinner Saturday, Texas Mike. Some of you will have seen him popping in and commenting and some of you may read his blog! To separate him from Big Mike, I've given Mike the name Texas Mike, because he's from Austin, TX and part of the cycling scene down there. He's an avid racer and generally has a pretty cool blog to go and read!
Walker Data
  • Walker Miles
  • Mrs Stormcrowe 8
  • Cee 3
Good job to both of you! Keep it up!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

UltraRob's Adventures: Nutrition During RAAM

UltraRob's Adventures: Nutrition During RAAM

If you've ever wondered how an endurance rider keeps up the energy levels, here you go!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Spinner Saturday and a BONUS ARTICLE

Save Us from “Reasonable” Men
“Reasonable” people are the biggest block to progress in the civilized (and not so civilized) world! Without unreasonable people, no change would occur. It's not reasonable, for example, to compete in endurance sporting events. Those of us who either do so, or aspire to do so, usually do so over the objections of our more “reasonable” friends and family members. With any huge achievement, there was a decision made to initiate the actions leading to said achievement that on the surface, appeared unreasonable. Essentially, what is said when you initiate the intended action, is “Are you insane?”

Unreasonable people are the ones who accomplish major goals. This isn't through a continuously unreasonable course of action though. It is through setting a goal that on the surface, is unreasonable, and then systematically making that goal reasonable, one step at a time. You can always find a reason why something can not be accomplished, whereas it's harder to find a reason why it can be done! One of my personal heroes was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Not because of his politics, but because of how he never, repeat NEVER let his disability stand in the way of his achieving his agenda. Another of my heroes is Stephen Hawking. He is likely the most brilliant mind on the planet, but he is chained inside a body that doesn't work, because of ALS (Lou Gehrig Disease). He continues on, in spite of the odds, and how reasonable is that? Like I said, save us from “reasonable men”! Shoot for the Moon and be unreasonable! Do so through the steps necessary to make your unreasonable goal possible, through a series of small victories. Each one is building toward the next in a progression leading toward your ultimate goal. If you decide that you cannot do something, then it is a self fulfilling prophecy and you won't be able to do it. Whereas; if you decide you can do it, you may still fail in implementation, but you may succeed as well!

Spinner Saturday
I don't have my final miles yet, this week, but so far it's 65 miles. Light week, but it's been hot, mugly and stormy this week. I'll get more miles in this afternoon, but no definite plans, I'm just going to ride!

Psycho Cyclist has a really well written article about the environment oner at his blog. Drop by and read it!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Aerobic Exercise and Memory

Aerobic Exercise and Memory
It's official, exercise improves memory and cognitive function. In a study done at Duke University, the effects of exercise (Hard aerobic exercise to VO2 Max levels) were studied by James A Blumenthal and David J Madden. Blumenthal is with the Department of Psychiatry at Duke and Madden is with the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development. Essentially, while your general ability to recall are unaffected, the ability to search your memory are significantly improved. This means that while you can't learn faster or better, you can utilize what you already have in your memory better. This persists into old age, by the way, so it boils down to the idea that if you want to remember things later in life, then exercise now. It appears to improve your ability to recall in later stages of your development.

The study used 28 men of ages ranging from 30-58 years of age. There were two groups, one exercising anaerobically, the other using aerobic exercise. All subjects were free of cardiovascular disease. The mean ages of both groups were statistically congruent at +/- 8-9 years approximately.

Psychological and physiological testing was completed on all subjects twice during the study, the first at 1 week preceding the study and the second testing battery after 12 weeks of exercise. VO2 max was the standard used to determining the aerobic level of the exercise over the 12 week period on the physiological end. The VO2 Max of each group was comparatively studied statistically during the testing and there was no significant variance. The end result was that after the testing batteries, the subjects experienced a marked increase in the ability to memory search.

Cycling, now, to tie this into my general blog topic is both an aerobic and anaerobic exercise, depending on the intensity of the riding involved. If you exercise the body, you also exercise the mind. Another interesting side effect of the exercise was a greater capacity for the synaptic gap to manage seratonin reuptake. This shows in a reduction of symptoms of depression, although this may be an effect of the endorphin release brought on by intense exercise. What it comes down to, to put it in simple terms is that if you ride your bike (exercise), not only does your outlook improve, but you can also remember more clearly as far as what you've learned already! Walking also has this physiological effect as does other forms of exercise, such as strength training or running or swimming.
©2006- Tom Stormcrowe (Pseudonym) Creative Commons- Some rights reserved

Title:Effects of Aerobic Exercise Training, Age, and Physical Fitness on Memory-Search PerformanceAuthor(s):Blumenthal, James A., Department of Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center
Madden, David J., Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Duke University Medical CenterSource:Psychology and Aging, Vol. 3(3), September 1988. pp. 280-285. Publisher:American Psychological AssociationISSN:0882-7974Digital Object ID:10.1037/0882-7974.3.3.280 Article Type:Journal ArticleAbstract:We investigated the effects of exercise training on memory performance. One group of 13 men (M = 42.92 years of age) participated in supervised aerobic exercise (jogging) three times a week for 12 weeks. A second group of 15 men (M = 43.67 years of age) performed anaerobic exercise (strength training) for the same period of time. Subjects' reaction time (RT) performance in a memory-search task was assessed both before (Time 1) and after (Time 2) the 12 weeks of exercise training. Results indicated that there was no significant change in memory-search performance over time as a function of exercise training. Analyses of the Time 2 RTs demonstrated that aspects of memory-search performance were related significantly both to subjects' initial (Time 1) level of fitness and to age, but not to the amount of change in fitness associated with aerobic exercise training over this 12-week duration in this age group.Accession Number:pag33280Persistent link to this record:http://search.epnet.com.allstate.libproxy.ivytech.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=pdh&an=pag33280Database: PsycARTICLES

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3. Berger, B. G. & Owen, D. R. (1983). Mood alteration with swimming: Swimmers really do “feel better.” Psychosomatic Medicine, 45, 425-433.
4. Blumenthal, J. A., Emery, C. F., Cox, D. R., Walsh, M. A., Kuhn, C. M., Williams, R. B. & Williams, R. S. (1988). Exercise training in healthy Type A middle-aged men: Effects on behavioral and cardiovascular responses. Psychosomatic Medicine, 50, 418-433.
5. Blumenthal, J. A. & McCubbin, J. A. (1987). Physical exercise as stress management. In A. Baum & J. Singer (Eds.), The handbook of psychology and health (pp. 303–331). New York: Erlbaum.
6. Blumenthal, J. A., Williams, R. S., Needles, T. L. & Wallace, A. G. (1982). Psychological changes accompany aerobic exercise in healthy middle-aged adults. Psychosomatic Medicine, 44, 529-536.
7. Botwinick, J. E. & Storandt, M. (1974). Cardiovascular status, depressive affect, and other factors in reaction time. Journal of Gerontology, 29, 543-548.
8. Botwinick, J. E. & Thompson, L. W. (1968). Age differences in reaction time: An artifact? Gerontologist, 8, 25-28.
9. Cerella, J., Poon, L. W. & Williams, D. M. (1980). Age and the complexity hypothesis. In L. W. Poon (Ed.), Aging in the 1980s: Psychological issues (pp. 332–340). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
10. Clarkson, P. M. & Kroll, W. (1978). Practice effects on fractionated response time related to age and activity level. Journal of Motor Behavior, 10, 275-286.
11. Cunningham, D. A., Rechnitzer, P. A., Howard, J. H. & Donner, A. P. (1987). Exercise training of men at retirement: A clinical trial. Journal of Gerontology, 42, 17-23.
12. Dustman, R. E., Ruhling, R. O., Russell, E. M., Shearer, D. E., Bonekat, H. W., Shigeoka, J. W., Wood, J. S. & Bradford, D. C. (1984). Aerobic exercise training and improved neuropsychological function of older individuals. Neurobiology of Aging, 5, 35-42.
13. Elsayed, M., Ismail, A. H. & Young, R. J. (1980). Intellectual differences of adult men related to age and physical fitness before and after an exercise program. Journal of Gerontology, 35, 383-387.
14. Folkins, C. H. & Sime, W. E. (1981). Physical fitness training and mental health. American Psychologist, 36, 373-389.
15. Hanson, J. S. & Neede, U. H. (1974). Long-term physical training effect in sedentary females. Journal of Applied Physiology, 32, 112-116.
16. Hilyer, J. C. & Mitchell, W. (1979). Effect of systematic physical fitness training combined with counseling on the self-concept of college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 26, 427-436.
17. Hughes, J. R. (1984). Psychological effects of habitual aerobic exercise: A critical review. Preventive Medicine, 13, 66-78.
18. Hurley, B. F., Seals, D. R., Ehsani, A. A., Cartier, L.-J., Dalsky, G. P., Hagberg, J. M. & Hoolszy, J. O. (1984). Effects of high-intensity strength training on cardiovascular function. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 16, 483-488.
19. Plude, D. J., Kaye, D. B., Hoyer, W. J., Post, T. A., Saynisch, M. J. & Hahn, M. V. (1983). Aging and visual search under consistent and varied mapping. Developmental Psychology, 19, 508-512.
20. Rikli, R. & Busch, S. (1986). Motor performance of women as a function of age and physical activity level. Journal of Gerontology, 41, 645-649.
21. Sherwood, A., Light, K. C. & Blumenthal, J. A. (1987). Aerobic exercise reduces blood pressure response to mental stress in borderline hypertensive men. Manuscript submitted for publication.
22. Simons, A. D., McGowan, C. R., Epstein, L. H., Kupfer, D. J. & Robertson, R. J. (1985). Exercise as a treatment for depression: An update. Clinical Psychology Review, 5, 553-568.
23. Spirduso, W. W. (1975). Reaction and movement time as a function of age and physical activity level. Journal of Gerontology, 30, 435-440.
24. Spirduso, W. W. (1980). Physical fitness, aging, and psychomotor speed: A review. Journal of Gerontology, 35, 850-865.
25. Spirduso, W. W. & Clifford, P. (1978). Neuromuscular speed and consistency of performance as a function of age, physical activity level and type of physical activity. Journal of Gerontology, 33, 26-30.
26. Sternberg, S. (1969). Memory-scanning: Mental processes revealed by reaction-time experiments. American Scientist, 57, 421-457.
27. Thomas, S. G., Cunningham, D. A., Rechnitzer, P. A., Donner, A. P. & Howard, J. H. (1985). Determinants of the training response in elderly men. Medicine and Science in Sports and Science, 17, 667-672.
28. Tomporowski, P. D. & Ellis, N. R. (1986). Effects of exercise on cognitive processes: A review. Psychological Bulletin, 99, 338-346.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Here's Another Reason To Watch Your Weight!

Obesity is associated with memory deficits in young and middle-aged adults.
Recent findings suggest obesity is associated with reduced memory performance in older adults. The present study examined whether similar deficits also exist in younger adults and the degree to which the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and memory varies as a function of age. Prior to inclusion, participants were rigorously screened and excluded for medical conditions known to impact cognitive functioning, including neurological disorders, head injury, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. A total of 486 healthy adults completed a verbal list-learning task. Participants were categorized into normal weight, overweight, and obese groups based on their BMI. Performance on learning, delayed recall, and recognition performance were compared across BMI groups. Results showed obese individuals had poorer memory performance when comparing persons across the adult lifespan (age 21-82 yr), but also when examining only younger and middle-aged adults (age 21-50 yr). Regression analyses found no evidence of an interaction between BMI and age on any memory variable, suggesting the relationship between BMI and memory does not vary with age. These findings provide further support for an independent relationship between obesity and reduced memory performance and suggest these effects are not limited to older adults. Further research is needed to identify etiological factors.
Brown Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Center for Behavioral Medicine, Providence, RI, USA. jgunstad@kent.edu

* Gunstad J,
* Paul RH,
* Cohen RA,
* Tate DF,
* Gordon E.

This article abstract was retrieved through Google on July 20, 2006 from EntrezPubMed at www.pubmed.gov

As you can see, the field of cognitive study is even affected by the study and treatment of Obesity. There are several other articles about this fascinating aspect of the study of Obesity and how it affects your general health. Drs Gunstad, Paul, Cohen, Tate and Gordon have collaborated in the publication of the results of this study and are eminent researchers in this field. I thought it might be of interest to you, my readers. Upcoming, the effect of exercise on memory.

Related articles:

Kuo HK, Jones RN, Milberg WP, Tennstedt S, Talbot L, Morris JN, Lipsitz LA. Related Articles, Links
Abstract Cognitive function in normal-weight, overweight, and obese older adults: an analysis of the Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly cohort.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006 Jan;54(1):97-103.
PMID: 16420204 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Monty Python Video

Fritz has this postyed over at his place. It's freakin' hilarious if you like British Humor (Which I happen to love!)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Bridge Troll Sighting in Denver?

Denver & the West
Boulder deputy clubs menacing bridge "troll"

By John Ingold
Denver Post Staff Writer

A golf club-wielding man who tried to extort tolls from people crossing a bike path bridge while claiming to be the bridge's troll is facing menacing and drug charges, police said.

The troll's reign of terror came to an end, police said, when he threatened an off-duty Boulder sheriff's deputy, who snatched the clubs from the man and whacked him with one. Even after a Boulder police officer, with a drawn stun gun, arrived and ordered the man to the ground, the man "continued to be verbally antagonistic, yelling that it was his bridge ... and that he was a troll," according to a police report.

The incident happened July 6 along the Bear Creek bike path near Colorado Avenue and Foothills Parkway.

Boulder police said they arrested Robert Hibbs, 19, on suspicion of felony menacing and drug possession and Bradley Boville, 18, on suspicion of drug possession and menacing.

Boville told officers that he and Hibbs had ingested a hallucinogen and then wanted to smoke a large marijuana cigarette that officers found on Boville, according to the police report. However, the pair didn't have a lighter so they decided to go to the bridge and start "asking" people for money to buy a lighter, the report said.

Winona Lake Trail
Saturday, as we know, I went mountain biking. I did a total of 40.8 miles up in Warsaw, Indiana at the Winona Lake Trail. If you are withing a hundred miles of this trail, it's worth the drive! The Winona Lake Trail is a truly nice single track trail that gets quite technical in many areas. I spent about 6 hrs riding this trail. As far as the temperature goes, it was about 95 degrees and truly mugly (There's a Hoosierism, mugly needs no definition if you've ever experienced it!).

Then we come to my “recovery” ride, yesterday! I set out for a little 20 mile recovery ride and wound up riding 75 miles! It just felt so good to be back on the road bike it just wasn't funny! I felt like I was gliding. Again, 95 and mugly, with no break from the sun. The loop I rode was out to Williamsport and back out through Battleground, Indiana and then home. I made my usual recharge stop at Panera's Bread on the Levee, where I had a bagel and some coffee. Hydration was definitely an issue yesterday, going through 6 liters of water, as well as a couple bottles of Ultra Fuel (Gaah, UF tastes like Listerine! It does keep me from bonking though!)

Spinner Report
Rider Miles
  • Arctic Jill 213.6
  • Uncle Dan 131
  • Big Mike 107
  • Juvenile Tim 88
  • Tom Stormcrowe 85
  • Gorilla 84
  • JP Smee 54.8
  • ShawnK 51.43
  • Tayfur Yagci 32
  • Dan On Bike 18
  • Group Total 864.83
Walkers Miles
I re instituted the Walker's chart to the Spinner report. Let's welcome Cee to the group, as she requested admission to our little bunch.
Walker Miles
  • Mrs Stormcrowe 10
  • Cee 6
  • ShawnK*** 4
****Carryover miles from last week
I'd like everybody to know, outstanding job this week, and lets keep it up!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


This shows a bond I can't even imagine! If you want some inspiration, this is it!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Spinner Saturday for July 15

Spinner Saturday *early posting so I can go mountain biking
Welcome to the Spinner Saturday for July 15! My miles are really low this week due to Mrs Stormcrowes hospitalization over last weekend and subsequent recovery at home. For those of you that are interested, she's doing very well. The total miles I have so far are 45, but I am currently out mountain biking in Warsaw, Indiana at the Winona Lake Trail, assuming conditions are good! I am pre-writing this article, as you can see.

Oil Free and Happy
I came across a site that is rather interesting, called Oil Free and Happy. The site address is http://home.comcast.net/~oil_free_and_happy/index.html . This site promotes cycling as an alternative form of transportation. Jim is committed to a bike as transportation as well as other Green Technologies.

To quote site founder Jim Gagnepain:
Being a politically active individual, I often write my elected representatives to voice my opinions about our automotive and oil-centered economy. Often, I get replies that argue that we should not have to "Sacrifice our American Lifestyle for the Environment". I have been commuting by alternative transportation for many years, and I find it much more pleasant to relax and read my favorite book on the light rail, than to sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic during rush hour.

Definitely drop by, it may be a small site, but he has some interesting links as well as a gallery of art focused around alternative transport.

Tour de France
Floyd Landis has retained the yellow jersey even though he finished behind the Ukrainian cyclist, Yaroslav Popovych in Stage 12 today. Landis is considered most likely to be the tour champion this year as things currently stand.

Popovych winning today did move him up in the standings from 23rd to 10th. Наилучшие пожелания к Yaroslav Popovych для его точного представления сегодня!
(Congratulations to Yaroslav Popovych for his fine performance today!)

Remember to turn in your miles, either by email or in my comments so I can get you entered in the database for the week! Until Monday, when I post the data you send me, have a great weekend and keep riding!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Year in the Life: Runaway Train

Just a little reminder what you can accomplish if you want it enough!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Rocky Mountain National Park Wilderness designation - Cycle-Licious

You definately need to see this article if you are a mountainbiker in Colorado! Hopefully, more info shortly!

Rocky Mountain National Park Wilderness designation - Cycle-Licious

Monday, July 10, 2006

Spinner Saturday July 10

The Spinner Group turned some decent miles this week, with a total of 592.65 miles. I'm putting everybody in the table in order of miles for the week. I did manage a short three mile ride to get up to 56 miles for the week.
Rider Miles
  • Arctic Jill 174
  • Big Mike 156.9
  • Uncle Dan 74.25
  • Gorilla 60
  • Tom Stormcrowe 56
  • Dan On Bike 41.5
  • Juvenile Tim 30
  • ShawnK Walking:4/ Riding:0
  • Psycho 0
  • Yelme 0
  • JPSmee 0
  • Pernicious 0
Mrs Stromcrowe is HOME!
I am happy to say the Mrs is home and doing pretty well. The results of the biopsy aren't available yet, but the surgeon is rather optimistic. Right now, I gotta say, Mrs Stormcrowe has some pretty good drugs! She's relatively pain free and we're just happy she's home!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Spinner Saturday

What can I say? My miles for the week are way down! This week I have 53 miles in and not going to get any more this week at all!
Mrs Stormcrowe Update
Mrs Stormcrowe has done well in her surgery yesterday and now we play the waiting game. What was done was a video guided biopsy of the mass in her right lung. The initial biopsy results from the Bronchioscopic biopsy were inconclusive and they went in through the chest wall yesterday. She was up and walking a bit yesterday, much to everyones surprise, but then again, the Mrs always has been of tough mettle! If the chest tube comes out today, she may well be home tomorrow!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Mrs Stormcrowe Back in Hospital

Hello all, I'm going to be a bit busy to post so just remember to shoot me your miles for Spinner tomorrow! I'll be at hospital visiting my wife. She just had a surgical biopsy done on a mass in her right lung, and is doing well after the surgery this morning. She's in quite a bit of pain and very groggy, but other than that, she's doing quite well. I'll try to check in and update tomorrow so until then, keep riding!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Spinner Saturday Falls on Tuesday This Week!

Spinner Saturday (On Tuesday this week!) Due to the July Fourth Holiday, I'm late posting the Spinner Graphs, as you can see! I only had data for 5 of us so I had to go with what I had. I've been stalling posting all day to try to give everyone a chance to get their miles in, but I guess everyone is also busy with holiday plans........HAVE FUN ALL and I hope you are riding! Here are the reports I have:
  • Rider / Miles for week
  • Tom Stormcrowe 195
  • Uncle Dan 36 (Rainout, Pennsylvania is almost Underwater!)
  • Arctic Jill 195.4
  • Big Mike 250.6
  • DanOnBike 20.2
Good job all!
The new trend in Racing?

Here it is, Folks, the newest trend in Bike Racing! This sport combines the aquatic aspect of Triathalons with Ultramarathon Cycling! The Transatlantic Challenge! In this race, one thing, dehydration certainly isn't an issue. The ride runs from NYC to London, England. It's a tough race and this one is even tougher on the support crew than the rider! This is also the only purely cycling event where you can become lunch for a shark!

Underwater bike image courtesy of Corvis.com and is Royalty Free

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth of July! Additional Questions Answered

Hello all! Time to do a little catch up here. First and foremost, I'd like to welcome someone to my "Old Friends" list over at my MSN Space, Zeynep Ankara. Zen is an interesting writer and Psychologist from Turkey, who's as far as I am concerned, proof positive that there are enlightened people everywhere in the world!
Addressing some of the questions I've had
I'd like to address some of the cycling related questions I've been recieving:

What kind of bike should you look at if you have problems with chronic pain:
That would depend on the type and location of the pain. One option would be a recumbent bike or trike. There are several styles of recumbent. Long wheelbase, short, touring, racing, they all share a common feature. That would be comfort! Essentially, it's like pedaling an easy chair. Lower back pain is virtually eliminated. You don't need to invest in padded cycling shorts, either.

Recumbent trikes, in two configurations, either the "Tadpole" or the "Delta", and they offer other options. The Tadpole is a single rear wheel dual front wheel configuration, is the most stable of the trikes. It's essentially like a sports car. They are fast and stable and are just plain fun to ride! The Delta is a more traditional design, with a single front and dual rear wheels. Greenspeed offers a Tadpole configuration trike designed for trekking and touring that has stood up to tours around the coast of Australia very nicely. Here is a Wikipedia article about recumbents, or as they are referred to, "Bents", that is truly informative. Incidentally, one point as to why I don't ride recumbent. Recumbents aren't sanctioned in most cycle races. The perception is that they offer an unfair advantage in aerodynamics over a conventional diamond frame bike. Matter of fact, the land speed record for a bicycle was set by a recumbent bike.

Drawback of a recumbent:

  • They don't climb hills as well, when climbing with a recumbent, first, you can't "stand the pedals" to increase the climbing power with your body weight
  • When climbing in too high a gear, you can blow out the knees (ACL damage), so you need to spin up the hill in a low gear at high cadence
  • Cost, recumbents can get very pricey, with some of the extreme high end models costing as much as a luxury SUV!

Advantages of a recumbent:

  • Comfort on a ride
  • less lower back stress
  • no problems with compression of the perineal artery, or groin discomfort
  • Far better aerodynamically and fast as hell downhill
  • With a recumbent trike, balance issues go away completely. You can go uphill as slowly as necessary, without worrying about falling over.
  • The recumbent trike can be configured for paraplegic riders as a handcycle. During RAAM, there was a team of handcyclists from Austria that completed the race in 10 days and 12 minutes. This was a tremendous accomplishment. It truly shows that the only limiys we have are those we impose on ourselves! Here is the Bio from RAAM for this team, Team RC-Enjo Vorarlberg. As fine a group of atheletes as I have ever seen, and an inspiration to me as well!

Recumbent resources:

1. Greenspeed Recumbents
2. Whizwheel recumbents
3. Valley Bikes and Fitness, Carmel, Indiana, specializing in recumbents
4. Supersizedcycles

Feel free to browse through these sites and definately check out Team RC!

A Thank You!
I'd like to thank all of you who visited last week and especially those of you that voted for me! It was quite a ride! Most of the responses were very positive, and I recieved more email than I can possibly answer! If I didn't answer you personally, please understand that it was the sheer volume! At times I had as many as a quarter million emails on the server! To those of you that requested my phone number, I am truly sorry, but I can't do that, simply for the security of my family. I'm just an individual, with no staff, funding, or even an office (Nor am I rich ). I'm not an organization or foundation, nor am I a pro. I'm just a lowly ol' college student trying to set an example of what can be accomplished if you have sufficient drive and determination. I'll be happy to respond to email as it is humanly possible or I'll answer questions posted to my blog here as well. I won't give medical advice, by the way, as I'm not a doctor, or even a nurse yet. I will be happy to refer you to resources, whether it be for cycling, bariatric surgery, or dietary. They will be responsible and authoritative resources, as far as I am able to judge: reader beware, it's on your own responsibility as far as the use of them. You should also consult with your doctor before ANY diet or exercise regimen.

Spinner Saturday charts come out tomorrow, I need your data, members!

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