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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My day on the bike

This is going to be a short post, as I am whupped!

I did 65 miles in HOT riding conditions

Today, I set a new personal best, 126 miles! The routing says 112 and change, but it's an approximation that doesn't always take into account! I also ran into some SERIOUSLY nasty weather up around Boswell! I also technically made my first interstate ride, I crossed into Illinois!

AVG Pace: 14 mph
Calories: 4985
Watts: 166
Caloric intake 2400
Caloric deficit: 2585
All in all, I believe I had a great day!


Christa said...

Sounds like you should be wrecked too...sheesh...126 miles???
I would be dead...LOL

Unknown said...

Yuppers, I just proofread and found I had left a bit of the post out, by the way! I did it in a bit over 8 hrs!

jakalof said...

The caloric deficit is pretty amazing. Are you starving? Is the caloric input just during the ride?

Unknown said...

Calorie deficit is during the ride only, Jakalof, I'm burning far more than I can possibly take in when I do these long rides. Before a ride like this I carb load and continually take in enough food to keep the blood sugar at a reasonably normal level. Anytime you are doing an athletic endeavor of this magnitude, you operate at a caloric deficit. After the ride, I also really, really,really crave carbs! I eat some and recover after and rest the next day. I may still ride, but iut's an easy ride antd I try not to get anywhere near the anaerobic threshold with my heart rate. The recovery ride is strictly to help flush metabolic waste products out of the muscles.

Carolyn said...

You are just a regular powerhouse!! Good for you ;)

P.S. You could play the last song. Were you on IE? Some firefox users say they have to click several times. I don't have firefox so I don't know.

Bud said...

That is impressive! I may have missed something but you ought to post how many pounds you've lost one of these days.

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