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Friday, August 24, 2007


Uncle Dan, one of my fellow bloggers and friends in the blogosphere is doing Lotoja this year. He's getting ready to take off for out west to do the ride, so good fortune and safe travels Dan!

Now, about Lotoja: It's a one day 206 mile race on bicycles from Logan, UT to Jackson, WY. I'd love to do this ride myself and was hoping to do it myself this year, but circumstances had conspired to keep me out. This is a tough ride through the mountains, and I wish Dan well.


uncadan8 said...

Thanks, Tom! I'll be sure to have a write up on the race. Assuming I survive of course!

Unknown said...

You're gonna finish it, Dan! No worries!

Peg said...

Hey T and Crazylady!! Lots of good flicks there, sir and the music ain't bad nither!! :-0]
Nice way to spend a Friday late night!!
And T, you are looking gooooood!!
Hats off over and over again!!
Many Blessings to you both!!
Take care and be seeing you!! School starts Monday, full schedule this year and many projects, writing is officially on the back burner, but never forgotten!!

Hugs and much love,

mgvaughan said...

I shoot LOTOJA each year for National Sports photos (white Toyota van). If riders will let me know a few details of their 2007 ride such as actual time of day finish, jersey/helmet color, team name, BIB number I will search my archives of thousands of photos (at no charge) and provide a jpeg for posting with reports.

My brother is a rider, my family comes from Montana/Utah to support him. By covering the race for National Sports photos we cover some our expenses and return a portion of the proceeds to Epic Events and LOTOJA charities.

Here is a few of our shots: http://www.flickr.com/photos/michael...7601941847408/

mgvaughan said...

I shoot LOTOJA each year for National Sports photos (white Toyota van). If riders will let me know a few details of their 2007 ride such as actual time of day finish, jersey/helmet color, team name, BIB number I will search my archives of thousands of photos (at no charge) and provide a jpeg for posting with reports.

My brother is a rider, my family comes from Montana/Utah to support him. By covering the race for National Sports photos we cover some our expenses and return a portion of the proceeds to Epic Events and LOTOJA charities.

Here is a few of our shots: http://www.flickr.com/photos/michael...7601941847408/

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