Now, my commute to school isn't a long one, it's only a 4 mile round trip. It still feels good though. After my knee issues on my Century Attempt in Kokomo, Indiana last week, I was a bit concerned, but so far so good. I took a couple of days completely off the bike to let the inflammation die down. I sure didn't have much in the way of legs today though!
My quads were absolutely on fire and riding back against against a fairly strong headwind didn't help. Ah well, such is life and after I'm fully recovered, I'm sure things will be back to normal. It did feel good though to be back to pedaling!
On another note, I was mapping a ride and in the drive to my apartment complex, I noticed a little spot of color in the satellite image. I was near the max resolution, so I went to max zoom and guess what that little spot of color is.......ME! I found myself out on the bike with GMaps pedometers image function. You know I had to capture this one.

I'm the only rider here that wears kit, so it's better than 99% odds it is me. How cool is that?
No way! I was excited to see my car in the driveway.
Yep, way!
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