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Saturday, May 28, 2005

UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(in a good way!)

It just occurred to me! March 11th to today is 2 months and 18 days, or roughly 2.6 months! That means I am losing an average of 52.3 pounds a month ,+or- a little! I hope this continues although I know it will slow down eventually! This is truly a "Red Letter Day"!(Pardon the pun! I/E The font color)


Anonymous said...

Saw you on MTBR. I'm very impressed at what you were able to do. Your rate of loss is extreme. I worry it might be too high a loss rate to be healthy, but it seems you've got good medical help.

Anonymous said...

Saw you on MTBR. I'm very impressed at what you were able to do. Your rate of loss is extreme. I worry it might be too high a loss rate to be healthy, but it seems you've got good medical help.

Unknown said...

Rate is extreme, yes, but it's under medical supervision. I am taking vitamins and protien supplements to prevent any deficiencies so that is covered. I know my Doc say's things are going great! All blood work normal and no signs on protien malnourishment or vitamin deficiency at all! All in all, everything's cool, so no need to worry. I appreciate the thought though! I am determined to beat this and I WILL!

Anonymous said...

Just read your post on MTBR. As long as your doctors think it will be safe for your epic journey then go for it. Allthough a trip down the east cost might be more interesting then going throught the center.

Unknown said...

We're planning on being there a while! East Coast is on the agenda as well as the center. Like I said, I want to put together a ride that I'll never have to but a beer again from the true stories I'll be able to tell!

Anonymous said...


I'm a 5-10 205 lb clyde mtber and you are an inspiration.


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