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Monday, December 17, 2007

Local News: Mountain Bike Trail Advocacy in Tippecanoe County

Here in Lafayette and West Lafayette, we have only two trails to ride Mountain Bikes on. Murdock Park, which is an "Unofficial" trail, and McCormick Woods, which is owned by Purdue University. Now, I ride skinny tire road bikes, so you might wonder why I even care.

I care because I support cycling and any effort to improve cycling for our riders in Tippecanoe County. Down at Hodson's Bay, one of the Local Bike Shops in Tippecanoe County, there is a sign up sheet/petition to the local governmental bodies such as the County Parks Dept. Drop in and sign this, and show the County Parks Dept that mountain biking is more than just kids, and that we take care of the trails we ride. Sign up for trail maintenance as well, make a commitment to improving existing trails as well as building new ones, as we get them authorized.


MRMacrum said...

Doesn't matter what bike we ride. What matters is we ride. We are all in this together whether we think so or not. Bicycles seem to have a calming effect on the communities that embrace them. No one is generally threatened by someone on a bike.

Kudos to you and your support for your offroad neighbors.

And Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas back at ya! Been a while!

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