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Monday, December 31, 2007

It's the End of the Year:Totals

Well, we had a banner year with Spinner Saturday, I must say. We had originally set a goal of 50,000, then upped it to 80,000, and then 100,000 miles for the group for the year. We almost made the 100K!

Personal totals:
Tom Stormcrowe totals Average
Jan 186
Feb 230
Mar 524
Apr 365.76
May 454
Jun 619
Jul 530
Aug 676
Sep 75
Oct 142.2
Nov 604.3
Dec 355
Total 4761.26 Average 396.771666666667

Group Totals
997,006 miles by bicycle!***
There were a couple of late reporters, so I had to edit the total

Other News

I got several very nice items for Christmas, and enjoyed the last ride of the year on my bike yesterday. The weather today was too cold and tonight, it's going to be too bad for me to ride across midnight.

Items I got:

An Oregon Scientific ATC2K Action Camera. I got my first video up yesterday from it. It's pretty cool! I need to find a better mounting spot than the end of my aerobars though.

Video here

and some stills of me on the bike with the aerobars


Photography E. Leonard

So, on to a Happy and Prosperous 2008. Keep pedaling and stay alive!

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