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Saturday, July 21, 2007

5 Things about me! I've been tagged!

  1. I am an avid cyclist: Big surprise there, eh?
  2. I've lost more weight in the last 2 1/2 years than 95% of the people on the planet even weigh!
  3. I love to bike tour- my favorite touring area to date is the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
  4. I have been hunted by Wolves- See my Upper Peninsula Tour Report
  5. I'm a Psychology Major, and am aiming at working with eating disorders and other addictive and compulsive disorders.

Well, I had been tagged by Noah over at the KC Bike Commuting Blog, the evil individual! Now, I have to tag 5 other people! Let's see! I hope it isn't cheating to tag my Wife, Crazylady, on this blog, so here is my list of tags
  1. Crazylady
  2. Christa
  3. Cuda2K
  4. Carolyn
  5. Neil; The Historian!
Well, now I have to go ride my bike, so see everyone later!

Speaking of Cuda, he has a new venture going, it's a Vintage Bicycle parts database called Velobase, and it looks to be a pretty good idea! It's still under development, but will eventually morph into a great resource for those of us that love that old steel (Hand made Steel Lugged framed road bicycles)!


Noah said...

I must have missed that post about being hunted by wolves! Yikes!

Also, I think that it's awesome that not only did you overcome your own health problems, but you're trying to do what you can to help others do the same.

Christa said...

Thanks for handing over a subject to blog about ;) I've been rather empty for this to write about and I'm spending more time in PainDrops than AwfulSouls right now.

I'll try to put something up either today or next time I'm online.

Carolyn said...

Wolves?! Glad they didn't find you ;)

I really enjoyed the video you sent me and am very proud of you!! You look great!!!

I'll do the tag thingie very soon too.

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