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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Labor Day Weekend Update

Also late but it was certainly fun!

I came back from Labor Day Weekend in serious pain! I basically over did it! My 47 year old body isn't as quick to recover from pounding the poo out of it as it was at 17!

All told, my activities were:
Cycling: We did a family ride and I pulled my niece in the trailer. She loved it. She's 16 months old and just starting to talk.....it was pretty cool!

Her other Grandmother had borrowed crazylady's recumbent trike for the ride and I was riding sweep at the back of the pack. I was calling overtaking traffic with "Car back". My niece started saying "car baa" right after. Now, here's the really cool part! She started beating me to the call. I was just getting ready to call an overtaker and from the kid trailer, I heard "car Baaaa". It was just too cute!

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Other than the cycling, I also got to play with a Wave Runner personal watercraft for the first time. Let me tell you, those are so much fun, it oughta be a sin! I had an absolute blast with it! No pics, because my camera is most assuredly not waterproof.

A Wave Runner, by the way, is a whole body workout, especially in rough water! It gives you all the beating of doing an extreme freeride down a mountain! I highly recommend it!

It's also a good thing we drive a minivan: Here's what it looks like packing for a trip!
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