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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Update: Tour de Cure and Video

Well, here's the deal.......

Tour de Cure is about 3 weeks away and I'm $35.00 from my goal. It's looking good though. I will be making the attempt at the Century, in spite of my crash.I have about 65% of my shoulder mobility back and am rehabbing it religiously. If you want to help me meet my goal, here is my Tour Page

As to how I handle it? Who knows? I'll see when I'm in it. Pain is weakness leaving the body after all. I'll be resuming riding after Memorial day weekend, though, and I'll only have 2 weeks to train for a 100 mile ride after a crash.

All you really have to remember is that ultimately, you set your own limits arbitrarily, and are far more capable than you believe. Take control of your life, use whatever tools that you need to and you have a far greater chance of achieving your goals than if you only dream and never act. Take charge and commit.

Now, for the update on my progress after 3 years since my surgery.

1 comment:

Mr. F said...

Best of luck at the Tour de Cure Century! Many of my team's members are dying to hear what you think of the Speedway ride, myself included. Have a great time, stay safe, and thanks for making the world a better place.

Blue skies and tailwinds,

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