Man, a lot goes into planning a major bike tour! I've seen smaller equipment lists for a military unit! Here's the equipment list, and I can't really think of anything on the list we won't potentially need.
3 man tent
12 extra tent pegs, ultra light weight
Tarp (Bike cover, cook shack, etc, emergency shelter)
150' in three 50' lengths Cord for hanging food, reinforcing tent in bad weather, clothesline etc (Bear Country)
Bear Spray
Advanced First Aid kit, including suture kit (Yes, I know how to use it)
glucose tabs and Ghu
biodegradable cam soap
Wet Wipes
Deep Wood Off
SPF 50 sunscreen (Wife is a pale skinned redhead!)
2 sleeping bags (O degree rated, ventable for warmer weather)
Sleeping Pads (closed cell)
Stove and extra canned fuel
Cook kit and utensils
Freeze dried and nonperishable light weight food for several days
2 rain pants, 2 ponchos
6 water bottles
Small light hand ax
Ti entrenching tool, light weight
Clothing, Me:
2 shorts, padded
Knickers, padded
2 sets, Tights
3 jersey's
3 underarmor shirts
Cold weather fleece, Quarter Zip and windproof shell
camp shoes (Crocs, really light weight)
1 pr camp shorts
4 pr socks (merino wool)
1 pr touring gloves and 1 pr full finger warm cycling gloves
Ear warmer (It does get cold up there still)
Wife: Clothing
3 shorts
3 shirts
2 pr long shell pants, wicking
4 pr socks (merino wool)
Fleece and windproof shell
Reg touring gloves and cold weather as well
Ear Warmer
Schwinn Passage touring bike
Sun Recumbent trike
trailer for gear (Not pictured)
Locks (3, both bikes AND trailer, from Kryptonite)
basic emergency multitool and 2 adjustable wrenches
4 power links
chain break tool
extra tubes
patch kit
waterproof matches
duct tape
zip ties
fiber spoke for my bike
lights, front and rear LED, battery powered
cell phone
digital camera
a few extra batteries
We are going to be in some remote areas and are going to be gone for a month. When the weather completely breaks, we'll mail the cold weather clothes home.
OTHER NEWS: I Started a ForumI started a new forum, dedicated to the
Clydesdale Cyclist. It's hosted on Network 54. Let's develop it into a resource for us Clyde's and Athena's. Membership is free so join up today!