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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

250 mile 4th of July Road Trip: DIY Rack Worked Great!


Well, we went to the lake for the 4th of July Weekend, and the roof rack worked out great. We did get a lot of attention on the road, though. I guess the mark of a cycling fanatic is $3 Grand worth of bikes on a $1000 car.

Well, it was a great trip, and I did have a lot of fun. The weather was spectacular and I even got in some sailing.


Thursday, July 01, 2010

ANd the Rack is complete and Mounted!

And here it is, all finished and ready for our trip tomorrow morning for the 4th.


I love the way the Mahogany Stain finish came out. It looks great!

Here is how I have it secured to the load bars


I used dual steel shackle bolts at all 4 corners where it contacts the load bars.


All in all, it's come out a lot nicer than I expected, and about $700 less than a factory made recumbent trike roof rack.

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