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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Mrs Stormcrowe's Second Try at First Century

Well, she made 67 miles and bonked. As far as I am concerned, it was a magnificent effort, though and no shame! We had planned a 100 mile figure 8 loop crossing back through town at the 70 mile point and that's where she bonked.

I did have to go get the van, after I made sure she was going to be all right. Oh well, maybe next time when she has a bit more saddle time in. I'm still proud as hell of her though for the try!

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US 231 on the way to South River Road

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Back From Williamsport

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After the coffee break

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Wabash Heritage Trail on the Lafayette side, flooded

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11 feet is FLOOD STAGE


The Historian said...

Didn't she complete a metric century? A metric century comes to about 67 miles.

Jill Homer said...

Actually, a metric century is about 62 miles.

Incredible effort! Nice work.

Unknown said...

Yep, she did complete a metric, unfortunately, she wanted an Imperial century! Ay well, next time, and I bet she does it before the end of summer! :)

Anonymous said...

67 miles is nothing to sneeze at!

Unknown said...

The only sneezing on this end is strictly pollen related!;)

Tom said...

I think it's darn good.
Yeah, she'll get it before summers out.
I think I'm finally going to try to get my wife on the bike.
I'm going to use Mrs. Stormcrowe as some incentive to the wife.

uncadan8 said...

Nothing to be ashamed of, Earlena! I remember some posts not too long ago about your time in the hospital, so the fact that you are riding 60+ miles in an attempt at 100 is simply amazing. You two are quite the duo - The Amazing Shrinking Man and his Amazing Better Half!

Yokota Fritz said...

Both Stormcrowes are simply amazing, IMO. The fact that she even attempted 100 miles is wonderful, and she made 67 miles is an incredible achievement.

I love the Team Stormcrowe design!

CyLowe said...

Awesome job, especially with that crazy south wind this past weekend.

Shannin said...

That's a great accomplishment! I bet she'll make it the next try!

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